Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Apropos Of Nothing

Responsibility is a gonad-shrinking thing; at once tiresome, necessary and inevitable. No one has found a way to love it, all we can do is find a way to live with it. Really much like cancer, responsibility is the thing we all try to manage when we know we have it, but then it easily turns around and bites us in the behind anyway. Nowhere does this become more apparent than in the corporate arena, where responsibility is the thing all bosses want to hear employees ask for more of to earn a raise, and most bottom feeders want to get by with as little of because they generally want to believe they're not getting paid enough to do all that much anyway. Shareholders need to know who is responsible so firing them when there is a malfunction in the corporate machinery will make them feel as though they have done something to protect their interests. It sure sucks.


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